How to know when it’s time to give your website a refresh

It is so important to keep your website up to date. In most cases it is the first impression your customers will get of your brand.

Is It Time To Give Your Website A Refresh?


It is so important to keep your website up to date. In most cases it is the first impression your customers will get of your brand. So, giving your visitors the best possible customer experience is vital. If you don’t, your competition will. Don’t give them that opportunity.


Below are some ways you can tell that your website might be needing a refresh.


  1. Slow loading speed


Usually, older websites mean slower load speeds, so the first thing to ask yourself is when was your website built? Don’t keep your customers waiting a second longer than what they need to otherwise that is a major reason for them to look elsewhere and visit your competitors’ websites instead. Quicker load speeds mean better user experiences and in turn more conversions.


  1. Low number of conversions


Is your website not producing any results? If there aren’t many conversions happening on your website that’s probably because users aren’t having a good experience whilst they are on your website. Potentially the copy and content on your website isn’t selling your products or services either.


  1. You have a high bounce rate


High bounce rate means that your audience are not staying on your website for very long, hence the term ‘bounce’ – they’re essentially bouncing off your website. There could be many reasons for a high bounce rate. Some of these may be;



-Your website takes too long to load.

-Low quality content

-Your site isn’t mobile friendly

-Users aren’t finding what they are looking for


  1. Your website looks outdated


Simply put, your website might just not be that pretty to look. An outdated or old fashioned website can put your visitors off straight away. Outdated websites give the impression that your company isn’t doing that well and that you’re not keeping updated or staying ahead of the competition. It may even give off the impression that your business simply isn’t trading anymore. You don’t want your audience thinking that you just don’t care which is the impression an outdated website can give along with the fact that the poor website might be a reflection of your poor services or products too


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5. Your last blog was from a year ago


Updating your blog regularly if you have one is not only a great way to boost the SEO of your website but it lets your users know that you’re active and a thought leader within your industry. It can give you a great advantage over your competitors and so it is important to update it regularly.


If you’re looking for a brand new website or website refresh for your business then get in touch with us for a for a friendly chat about website design & development, and  how we can take your website from 2002 to 2022!



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